Details for this torrent 

Freelancer - iMMERSiON
Games > PC
677.01 MB

Dec 12, 2004

³ Freelancer (C) Microsoft ³
³ ³
³ Date : February 21, 2003
³ Protection : SafeDisk2
³ Size : 1 CD
³ Game Type : Space Adventure
³ ³
  System Requirements: 

	 * Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/XP/2000
	 * PC with 600 MHz equivalent or higher processor
	 * 128 MB of system RAM
	 * 900 MB available hard disk space
	 * 8x speed or faster CD-ROM drive
	 * 16 MB video card required
	 * Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
	 * Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
	 * 56 Kbps modem for online/multiplayer; LAN or broadband to run a                                     server


Freelancer offers cutting edge space combat within a vibrant, living
universe on an intensely epic scope. You can freely navigate,
providing vast opportunities for exploration, trade and combat.
Additionally, Freelancer offers a seemingly endless pool of missions
that you can choose from to create your own adventures. If you're
more interested in a structured experience, Freelancer also features
a compelling storyline that draws you deeper and deeper into the
mysteries of the human colonies in the distant Sirius System and
against a villain unlike any mankind has faced before.

- Open-ended universe: Gamers can select to play random missions or
follow the storyline. The universe is open for exploration, and the
game advances based on decisions players make.
- Dynamic reputation: The players' reputations constantly evolve as
they choose their missions, make allies or enemies and succeed or
- Distinctive styles of play: Players can choose to act like bounty
hunters, traders, pirates or explorers for different gameplay
- Trading: Commodity trading turns the gears of the universe. Mining
planets churn out valuable minerals while agriculture planets
cultivate grain. Players must find the best trade routes in order
to profit.
- Compelling storyline: More than two hours of in-game cinematics
plunge players into the mysteries of a vast planetary system.
Character interaction will emotionally involve players in an
intriguing and compelling storyline, giving them a sense of
- Vibrant, rich universe: Political intrigue permeates almost every
aspect of the game. Players' decisions affect the dynamic
relationships of other characters, and ultimately alter the
gameplay experience.
- Simple combat interface: The intricacies of space combat can be
mastered via a simple and intuitive mouse-driven interface.
- Multiplayer: Players may set up their own persistent world servers
or play with gamers across the globe.

Unrar, Burn, Install, Copy the crack from /Crack dir on the CD to install directory

(Default: C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFreelancerEXE)

Play, Enjoy =)



Grymt bra lir!
Otroligt bra lir!
Japp... En av mina favoriter =)
Hur kul som helst, lite av den där gamla Elite-känslan... :)
how to install it.... there is no exe file!!
lioncooler: Use Daemon Tools (
to mount the .cue file in the folder.
Vadå Unrar?
Oiginalreleasen var packad, alltså i många delar. Denna är redan upppackad, så bry dej inte om "unrar"...
Hur mountar man .cue filen i mappen då?

Spelar det förresten nån roll vart man har nappen med filerna?
Får ett fel vid 81% av installationen , fan e det som händer , har provat installera det 3 ggr !
Felet på 81% har jag själv fått också för längesen, det har nåt me safedisc att göra, finns ingen fix för det vad jag vet. jag skall pröva installera imoron o se om felet finns kvar.
Aktivera alla Emulatorer i Daemon Tools innan du installerar. Jag fick inte upp något fel vid 81%.
Jag har lite problem i spelet... Kan inte gå in på equipment dealer... Vad skall jag göra? Spelet bara stänger av sig när jag gör det!
Nu har jag ett nytt problem! När jag försöker installera spelet kommer det en varning: Setup failed to extract files from HCAB2.CAB. This is most likely caused by low memory (low disk space or for swapping file) or a corrupted cabinet file. Please restart your machine and run setup again. Men jag har redan prövat tre gånger att starta om och installera. Vad gör jag för fel? Jag vill verkligen spela det här spelet! Kanske kan någon skicka CAB2.CAB???
jakEEm86: Ja du, du kanske inte har tillräckligt med plats på din hårddisk eller inte tillräckligt med minne ledigt.. eller så jäklas din dator med dej, helt enkelt. :P
demot var as grymt och nu så ska jag se hur hella spelet är
det lär ju vara as bra :D
Can someone explain exactly what I need to do to get this game installed and running? Thanks so much.
exist a problem by that torrent? i want to know it before i download it!!!
     thanks before
the download worked fine for me...
btw where can i download the latest working version without cd needed..
Those of you that has downloaded this game, I strongly recommend that you also download the TNG 2.7.6 mod, it's really worth it! (You can buy all the ships in the game, even battle stations plus hundreds of other new things). Get a fix at gamecopyworld
The TNG v.****** mod suxx so badly that i would go play richolet on steam instead.....
The game runs smoth and fine...except the sound. Sometimes the voices are missing when its talk-time. Am i the only one with this problem or is it the crack that i downloaded that is failing?

(Superb sead)
Have you used the crack included in the torrent? It works fine by me, anyway. It's in the "Crack" directory on the cd.
ummmmmm.... help, my cue file is empty! and is everyone elses .Bin's only like 92 MB?
well it was empty and i have no idea why but i made my own with my amazing intuitive skillz. and google :P
Spelat detta spel i två år nu. Grymt bra.
Sjukt beroendeframkallande.

Är TNG moddarna bra?
Detta är inte alls så bra som man skulle tycka... där är en massa grejjor som skulle ändrats... typ att alla skeppen har olika bra och olika snabba motorer m.m. att man lägger in en Jump funktion istället för tradelanes och Hyperspace istället för Jump Gates... typ som på föregångaren: Starlancer. kan inte någon lägga upp det. Mycket bra känsla i det.
kan man lira online?
proPulsion wrote > The game runs smoth and fine...except the sound. Sometimes the voices are missing when its talk-time. Am i the only one with this problem or is it the crack that i downloaded that is failing? (Superb sead) >>>>>> this is a problem with the ACE mega codec pack, uninstall that and the game will work fine .... that is if u have that installed, which you probably do
I have the same sound problem but where is this ACS mega codec pack???
This game rocks online. I rocked with it online until i was kicked out of my main server for swearing. Fucking bitches...
When i download this game and try to put the bin file in deamon tools it stands unable to mount image file not accesable.. What i'm gonna do ??
there is a file missing!! common.dll i can't start my freelancer becouse of it.. it says missing file common.dll
hej jag har ett stort problem. så fort jag har installerat freelancer så ber spelet om orginal skivan, sen när man fixat en crack till det så kommer jag in så att jag ser microsoft filmen i början sen blir det bara en svart bild. och där tar det stop. så snälla hjälp mig jag vill så järna spela spelet för det e så jävla grymt
uhm...var kan jag hitta crack, och var lägger jag in det? :) (noobish aight?)
Awesome M4triX! Thanks! Any chance someone could seed this for me? Thanks!
I think this might help, it worked for me, download magiciso off the net, it can change bin files to iso files, this allowing you to extract the bin files onto your harddrive, this is as far as I've gotten though , I havent tried actually playing it yet, but it's woth a try!
come here and join the great Freelancer online community join cya online soon captain!
pappa har det här spelet
grymt bra
Men han världens otur, när han kommit till nivå 38 av 40 fick han virus i datorn så han fick återställa den
SEEDA för #@%?